That is why it is imperative for all to take the following suggestions very seriously.
Maintaining social distance:
Coronavirus can exist in any person's body unknowingly for more than two weeks without any symptoms. If a person carrying such coronavirus sneezes or coughs for any reason, the coronavirus's aqueous particles begin to float in the air at a distance of 3 to 6 feet, and any other person within that range can enter the virus through normal breathing. Because of this, there is a need for public gathering, avoiding as much as possible if the area is not urgently needed so that potential coronavirus particles floating in the air cannot enter the body through breathing.
Hand wash disinfection: Coronavirus can be found in various objects in the environment, so if one touches it with his hand, it can also carry the coronavirus. Some studies have shown that coronavirus can last for an average of four to five days on the surface of wood, plastic or metal objects. People need to touch them with their hands every time they need to live. Therefore, it is very important to wash hands thoroughly after touching them. The following hands need to pay special attention to the risky areas of touch.
- Personal objects of another person that are frequently touched by hand, such as mobile phones (laptops), laptops, and so on.
- Many people touch devices, such as an ATM machine (cash payment machine) and any other device (such as a laptop, computer monitor at a store or other location) with buttons, keys, keyboards and handles.
- Touch any furniture (chairs, tables, etc.) outside your home by hand.
- Touch the door handle of any room or vehicle outside your home.
- Touching hands with paper money, bank debit or credit card, etc. and the place where they are kept, such as a wallet or purse.
- Hand-to-hand dishes, dishes, or bottle-glasses at restaurants or any other food vendor. It is not possible to be completely sure whether these dishes are touched by many people and whether they have always been properly disinfected.
- Touching hand towels or handkerchiefs that are touched by multiple people at any place outside the home.
- Outside the house, shaking hands or shaking or getting in close contact with someone on the street or somewhere.
- In the above fields, you need to be careful after touching with hands and disinfect the hands as often as possible.
- The following handwashing procedures should be followed:
- First, the hands should be thoroughly soaked in clear water.
- After this, special disinfectant soap (if not common soap) should be applied in the hand and rub the whole hand with foam.
- It is necessary to make sure that every finger in the hand is soapy so that the finger of one hand should be crushed by inserting the finger of the other hand into the gap.
- The two fingers of the old finger must be rubbed with soap.
- The palm of one hand should be rubbed with the palm of one hand and the back of the palm of one hand with the palm of one hand.
- The bottom of each nail should be thoroughly cleaned.
- The surface underneath them should also be cleaned by opening the wearable object on the watch, ring or any other hand.
- The foam should be rubbed thoroughly for at least 20 seconds.
- It should be kept in a container, not in standing water, but after washing the hands thoroughly and thoroughly soap-free .
- After washing hands, it is not towels or handkerchiefs, but a rather one-hand drying paper with handkerchiefs, because research has shown that viruses in wet hands are 100 times more likely. Hand towels cannot be dried with the towels used by more than one person, and the same towels cannot be hand-dried over and over again, so no towels or handkerchiefs other than the one-use paper towel should be used.
- The handkerchief must be closed with a handkerchief with a paper towel and the door handle of the toilet must be opened. The virus can be clogged with water taps and toilet door handles. Then the paper handkerchief should be dumped into the lid waste.
- Since it is necessary to wash hands several times a day, it is best to use gentle soap for the skin.
- If there is no soap and water system, at least 60% alcohol with a special hand disinfection solution (hand sanitizer) should be washed and crushed. However, it is best to wash dirty hands with soap and water when given the chance.
- To know when to wash your hands, it is important to remember the following instructions:
- Wash your hands after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.
- Wash your hands after visiting any public place that includes public transportation, markets or places of worship.
- After you arrive home from work, wash your hands.
- After you arrive home from work, wash your hands.
- Wash hands after touching the surface of any object outside the room. (See Dangerous Areas of Touching the Hand, above)
- Wash your hands before, during, or after serving.
- Wash hands before and after meals.
- After washing, wash your hands. After washing the waste, wash your hands.
- Wash hands after touching pets or any other animal.
- Wash your hands after grabbing a baby diaper (special jangia) or helping with baby toilets.
- If the hand looks dirty, wash it immediately.
- To prevent coronavirus from being transmitted from one patient to another or to any other person in the hospital or health center, all health workers working there must wash and disinfect for the following 5 moments: Before touching the patient, before applying the cleansing or disinfection method. If there is a possibility of absorbing the juice or liquid, immediately after that, the patient will be sedated After touching the patient and the surrounding environment after parsa.
- Ensure a good hand wash disinfection system
- In places like restaurants, tea and coffee shops, shops, markets, shopping malls, shopping malls, etc., adequate paper handkerchiefs or tissue paper should be arranged to cover the mouth and to dry wet hands. Hand sanitizer and/or soap water should be hand washed. A lid waste bin or bin should be arranged for the paper handkerchief to be discarded (not open, but used) after use.
- When traveling or traveling outside the house, you should always carry your hands with disinfectant bottles and paper handkerchiefs.
- Coronavirus release by cleaning the environment
- Items at home and office that many exotic people touch by hand, such as door handles, computer keyboards and monitor screens, laptop computers, mobile phones, or any other widely used furniture, should be periodically cleaned with a periodic disinfectant spray or solution.
- After coming out, wearables and other commonly used clothes such as bed linen, etc. should be washed regularly.
- What to do about coronavirus-borne potential individuals
- A person who has fever, colds, coughs and sneezing should maintain a minimum distance of 3 to 6 feet so that the virus particles floating in the air do not enter the body through breathing. Spitting can not be done on the streets and in places, because the virus can spread from the spit.
- The person coughing or sneezing must cover the nose and mouth with temporary paper handkerchiefs or tissue paper while coughing or sneezing, and the paper handkerchief must be immediately dumped into the waste. Cough and sneezing can not be covered with empty hands, as it causes seizures in the hands (you should wash your hands immediately after you cover the cough with your hands). If there is no paper handkerchief, cover the face with the folds of the elbow or the upper part of the cloth.
- When a known person has symptoms of coronavirus, contact the health center or emergency phone immediately so that they can be examined quickly and quarantined if necessary.
- Miscellaneous
- Foods prepared and served in unhealthy environments on the road or elsewhere should be avoided, as the virus can also be spread through dishes and dishes prepared and served in unhealthy dishes in unhealthy environments.
- The exposure to open waste or medical waste present in the hospital or elsewhere along the road should be avoided.
- Health workers working in hospitals and other health centers must wear special medical masks and gloves so that the virus does not spread from one patient to another.
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