Coronavirus is the world's biggest panic right now. Microorganisms. It is possible to prevent the spread of the virus by doing some work by raising awareness. The most dreadful thing about this virus is that the coronavirus can infect other people before any symptoms appear on the body of the infected person. The primary symptoms of this virus are cough, cold, fever. But when the virus kills the body, the body becomes weak.
Coronavirus Symptoms: Fever, cough, shortness of breath. The disease usually spreads from the airway caused by an infected person's cough. In addition, the coronavirus enters the body through the nose-to-mouth mucous membranes if the infected person's germs are on the surface of various environmental objects due to sneezing or touching the germ. Symptoms appear within 2-14 days of infection; On average, symptoms can be seen within 5 days.
The virus can remain in plastic and steel for up to three days, and aerosol can last up to three hours. Coronavirus can spread from person to person in two main ways.
The first process of infection occurs in two steps.
Step 1: If the coronavirus-infected person goes out of the room and sneezes without covering his mouth, the coronavirus can float for several hours in the air around it (within a range of 2-3 meters).
Step 2: If the coronavirus breathes in the air of the spleen, it can enter the coronavirus through the airway in other people's lungs as well. The second process of coronavirus infection also occurs in several steps.
1: If the coronavirus-infected person does not cough etiquette, the coronavirus will stick to his or her hand.
2: Now if that person touches the surface of an object anywhere in his environment with that coronavirus hand, the coronavirus may remain on that surface for several days.
3: Now if another person touches the surface with that coronavirus, the coronavirus will be infected with that new person.
4: Coronavirus cannot be infected inside the body or lungs when touched, so if a new person touches the nose, mouth or eyes with his newly-coronavirus hand, only then does the coronavirus enter the body through the open mucous membranes of these areas and then the throat first. The lungs will begin to be bred.
For this reason, if the coronavirus can be prevented at the beginning of two of the above-mentioned coronavirus processes, or at each inclusion stage, it is possible to successfully prevent the transmission of this virus and disease.